xiaomi mi pad 3 apple ipad

Mi Pad 3 vs iPad 9.7: comparison

We present a comparison so that you can assess the quality / price ratio of the latest Xiaomi and Apple tablets: Mi Pad 3 vs iPad 9.7

Lenovo Yoga A12 Lenovo Yoga Book

Yoga A12 vs Yoga Book: comparison

We present a comparison between the two tablets with which Lenovo has explored one of its most original designs: Yoga A12 vs Yoga Book

Nokia 6 Huawei Honor 6X

Nokia 6 vs Honor 6X: comparison

We present a comparison between the new Nokia phablet and the last one that has arrived in our country from Huawei: Nokia 6 vs Honor 6X

Honor 6X Motorola Moto M

Honor 6X vs Moto M: comparison

We present a comparison between two of the most interesting mid-range phablets that we have known in recent months: Honor 6X vs Moto M

amazon fire tablets

Fire HD 8 vs Fire 7: comparison

We present a comparison between the two low-cost tablets from Amazon, to see what the differences in addition to size: Fire HD 8 vs Fire 7

Lenovo Miix 510 Huawei MateBook

Miix 510 vs MateBook: comparison

We present a comparison between two professional Windows tablets of great quality / price ratio, from Lenovo and Huawei: Miix 510 vs MateBook

Google Pixel XLLG V20

Pixel XL vs LG V20: comparison

We present a comparison between Google's new phablet and LG's, the first one presented with Android Nougat: Pixel XL vs LG V20

Google Pixel XL Motorola Moto Z

Pixel XL vs Moto Z: comparison

We present a comparison between the latest high-end phablets from Google and Motorola, now in the hands of Lenovo: Pixel XL vs Moto Z

Meizu MX6 Huawei Honor V8

Meizu MX6 vs Honor V8: comparison

We present a comparison between two of the highest level low-cost phablets that have been presented in recent times: Meizu MX vs Honor V8

Motorola Moto Z Huawei Honor V8

Moto Z vs Honor V8: comparison

We present a comparison between the new Motorola flagship and the high-end phablet of Huawei's low-cost line: Moto Z vs Honor V8

Motorola Moto ZLG V10

Moto Z vs LG V10: comparison

We present a comparison between the highest level phablets that Motorola and LG have presented to date: Moto Z vs LG V10

Motorola Moto ZGoogle Nexus 6P

Moto Z vs Nexus 6P: comparison

We present a comparison between two of the best Android phablets of the moment, those of Motorola and Google: Moto Z vs Nexus 6P