Xiaomi Mi Max Huawei Honor V8

Xiaomi Mi Max vs Honor V8: comparison

We present a comparison between the two phablets that the Chinese fashion companies Xiaomi and Huawei have just presented to us: Xiaomi Mi Max vs Honor V8

Galaxy Note 5

The best phablets of 2015

We present you a selection of the phablets that in our opinion have stood out the most this year. What are your favorites?

compact tablets

Class Struggle: Samsung vs. Asus

Below we offer you a comparison in which we face Samsung against Asus through their tablet models: The Galaxy Tab s2 and the Zenpad 10

Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 vs OnePlus 2: comparison

We compare the recently presented Xiaomi Redmi Note 2, an inexpensive terminal with good features, with the OnePlus 2, the main benchmark on the market in terms of value for money.

OnePlus 2 Huawei Honor 6 Plus

OnePlus 2 vs. Honor 6 Plus

We present a comparison between two of the phablets with the best quality / price ratio of the moment: OnePlus 2 vs Honor 6 Plus